Madison Middle School

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Graphic of spring sports includes a soccer ball, volleyball, and person running in track and field

Spring Sports at Madison

Attention Track Athletes!  Track starts on Monday, March 24th.  Practices are Monday’s from 4:00-5:30pm and Wednesday’s from 2:45-4:15pm on the field.  Attention Volleyball Athletes!  Girls Volleyball try outs will be Tuesday, March 25th from 4:00-6:00pm and Wednesday, March 26th from 2:45pm-4:30pm in the gym.  Attention Soccer Athletes!  Boys Soccer try…
Graphic for school meals with a milk carton or juice box and a red apple

Eat Lunch with your 7th Grader

Eat Lunch with your 7th Grader Thursday, March 6 is “Eat Lunch with your 7th Grader” day! Parents, guardians, or grandparents are invited to join their 7th grader for lunch on March 6 from 12:21-12:51. Parents can brown bag it or bring something special to share!…
Poetry word cloud

Community Poetry Salon

Community Poetry Salon Come hear Madison MS students recite poems from antiquity to now. Dates/Times: Friday, February 28 at 5pm & 6pm Sunday, March 16 at 2pm & 3pm Location: 2715 California Ave SW #105 Seattle, WA 98116…
Open House

Open House for Incoming 6th Grade Families (Rescheduled Date)

Open House for Incoming 6th Grade Families Madison Middle School will be hosting an Open House (“Explore Madison Night”) for incoming 6th grade families on Thursday, March 6th from 6:30-8:00pm. Join us for a full evening beginning with our principal’s welcome followed by classroom visits and teacher presentations. We’ll start…

Cancelled–Madison Open House

Cancelled–Madison Open House Due to weather, Madison’s Open House for incoming 6th graders has been cancelled for this evening (February 6th). We will let you know of our rescheduled date as soon as we can.
Graphic for school meals with a milk carton or juice box and a red apple

Eat Lunch With Your 6th Grader

Eat Lunch With Your 6th Grader On Friday, February 7th, parents, guardians or grandparents are invited to join their 6th grader for lunch. You may brown bag it or bring something special to share! Lunch begins at 11:21 for 6th graders. RSVP before end of…
Screenagers film

Screenagers: Under the Influence

Screenagers: Under the Influence Please join others in our community in watching the film Screenagers: Under the Influence. In Screenagers, filmmaker Delaney Ruston picks up her camera once more to examine the impact of our digital age on teens’ decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol.
Dream Dinners

WEB Teams Up with Dream Dinners

WEB Teams Up with Dream Dinners Madison’s WEB Program needs you! We are teaming up with Dream Dinners West Seattle again this year to help raise funds for our kids! Dream Dinners will donate a portion of sales to Madison when you purchase meals using the code MADWEB. By helping…
Graphic of a book or yearbook

Yearbooks On Sale

Yearbooks On Sale Our first 2025 Yearbook Pre-Order Sale will run January 6th-24th, 2025.  There are a limited number of yearbooks that are ordered every year, so by pre-ordering it during this sale you will be guaranteed one at distribution at the end of the school year. …
Madison Middle School

Open House for Incoming 6th Grade Families

Open House for Incoming 6th Grade Families Madison Middle School will be hosting an Open House (“Explore Madison Night”) for incoming 6th grade families on Thursday, February 6th from 6:30-8:00pm. Join us for a full evening beginning with our principal’s welcome followed by classroom visits and teacher presentations. We’ll start…